We guarantee our products are 100% compatible with your project, with excellent quality, fast delivery and good service.
Our services contain a complete line of UL/FM/LPCB certified products of fire sprinkler system, fire hydrant system, fire alarm system, etc.
Certified products 14 years success records with customers from 78 countries——We care for your project safety.
All-in-one From fire sprinkler to hydrant to pipeline to alarm system——We supply you complete fire protection systems.
Lower your cost One single shipment——We fight for your better budget control by collecting all cargo and delivering together.
We have fulfilled over 1500 fire protection projects for worldwide customers, including Asia, Africa, Europe, and America. Most customers are satisfied by our quality product and excellent service, this is our biggest achievement.
Want to get our price?
Email us at info@tpmcsteel.com or use the form below. Normally you will be replied within 2 hours during support hours.